DILI, www.news-viptv.com – Timor-Leste National Police (PNTL) celebrates UN Peace Keepers Day, Wednesday (29/5/2024), at PNTL Headquarters, Kaikoli, Dili.
The celebration of this important UN day was also attended by the Police Attache of the Indonesian Embassy (KBRI), Colonel Don Gaspar da Costa.
“As a police attaché who has served a lot with the PNTL, there are also PNTL members who have served as UN Police on UN missions in various countries, and I am also a former UN Police with 8 and a half years of service abroad, invited as a guest of honor to “held, led and observed a moment of silence to commemorate the spirits of UN heroes, UN staff who are still working at the UN and who have worked under the auspices of the UN,” said Commissioner Da Costa to journalists.
The celebration of this important UN day began with a moment of silence and continued with a flower sowing which took place on the beach in front of the Palacio do Governo, Dili.
PNTL Assistant Superintendent Augusto Tilman, a PNTL member who once served as UN Police, said that there were more than 10 PNTL members who had served in UN missions in various countries.
“We served in different countries, namely in Kosovo, South Sudan and Guinea Bissau.
“There are 3 women, and more than 10 men, including Commissioner Faustino and Commissioner Henrique da Costa,” explained Augusto Tilman.
Currently there are 11 ongoing UN missions with a total of 70,000 UN staff from Police, Military and Civil. Since 1945, the UN has had more than 2 million staff serving in peacekeeping missions in countries experiencing political conflict, social and humanitarian problems.
Timor-Leste was also part of the UN mission when it separated from Indonesia on 30 August 1999. On 20 May 2002, after the restoration of independence, the UN stopped its mission completely.